Building Energy Resource Hub 180 N. LaSalle St. #2210 Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915
Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program​
The Energy Efficiency Trust Fund was established to benefit residential electric customers through projects determined to promote energy efficiency in the State of Illinois, with an emphasis on low-income households. The Illinois EPA Office of Energy will award funds for energy efficiency projects at properties benefitting residents receiving housing assistance from state and federal programs.
The IEPA Office of Energy has released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) expanding eligibility for this program from single family residences to multifamily properties of up to 20 dwelling units and eliminating the requirement of location in an environmental justice area of concern. Upgrades must have been identified in an energy efficiency assessment conducted within the last 5 years.
Illinois EPA Office of Energy
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180 N. LaSalle St. #2210
Chicago, IL 60601
The Building Energy Resource Hub is a project of Illinois Green Alliance.
EIN: 75-3098915